Giving Tuesday

Thank you for joining our third year of #GivingTuesday! OHMAR is dedicated to the growth of the oral history community, and we strongly believe that doing so begins with creating a forum in which students can engage with others about their work, develop their skills as practitioners, and connect with colleagues in the field. Your support creates opportunities for students to attend and participate at our annual spring conference—in some cases a student’s first professional conference—by offsetting the costs of travel, accommodations, and registration. This year’s conference, “Access and Inclusion in Oral History ,†will take place April 18-19, 2019 at Monmouth University.

#GivingTuesday might only one day but we’re celebrating the giving season through the rest of the year! Our goal is to raise $1,000 for student scholarships. So, how are we going to do this?! For starters, with your support! Participate on Tuesday, November 27, 2018 and help us raise the first $500. We’ll keep the campaign open to raise the next $500 through the end of December.

As a bonus, all students awarded scholarships will receive a full year membership to OHMAR so we can stay connected all year!

Click here to read more from José Centeno-Meléndez, our 2017 #GivingTuesday Scholarship recipient, about his experience at “Vulnerable Voices: Power and Privilege in Oral History.â€

Be sure to save-the-date for “Access and Inclusion in Oral History,†April 18-19, 2019 at Monmouth University!

Please feel free to share your participation in this global day of giving by tagging @OHMidAtlantic on Twitter, and be sure to use #GivingTuesday!

What is #GivingTuesday?

Celebrated on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving (in the U.S.) and the widely recognized shopping events Black Friday and Cyber Monday, #GivingTuesday kicks off the charitable season, when many focus on their holiday and end-of-year giving. Since its inaugural year in 2012, #GivingTuesday has become a movement that celebrates and supports giving and philanthropy with events throughout the year and a growing catalog of resources.

For more information, please visit