Hello OHMAR!
Do you love oral history? Does volunteering make you feel good? Of course it does! Allow me to suggest you consider assuming a leadership role within our organization.
OHMAR currently needs a new Vice-President, Secretary, Communications Director, Development Director, and several at-large board members as the terms of the current office holders will expire at our annual meeting March 13-14, 2020 at the Robert C. Byrd Center for Congressional History and Education, Shepherdstown, WV. The Vice-President will actually be filling one remaining year of the current VP’s term (as the current VP generously extended her term at our last conference). The Secretary, Communications Director, and Development Director will be serving two year terms, and the at-large members will be serving three year terms. Per our By-Laws, Article IV, Officers and Governance:
Section 1. The Officers of OHMAR shall be President, Vice President, Secretary, Communications Director, and Development Director. All of the Officers shall be elected for a term of two years with the right to stand for reelection. Effective January 2016, the president and vice president shall be elected in odd-numbered years, the secretary, communications director, and development director shall be elected in even-numbered years. The treasurer shall be selected in even-numbered years and can serve as many terms as the Board deems necessary. Officers will take office immediately upon election.
Section 2. The governance of OHMAR, the management of its finances and other affairs, and the regulation of its procedures, except as otherwise provided in the Constitution, shall be vested in a Board composed of the elected Officers, Treasurer, immediate Past President, and six members-at-large, each elected for a term of three years. The members-at-large are eligible for two consecutive terms. The elected Officers select a Treasurer for the organization, and the Treasurer can serve as many two-year terms as the Officers request.
The duties of officers are outlined in the By-Laws, linked above. We generally meet once a month via phone, and in person in January and at our annual meeting in the Spring. If you would like to self-nominate for a position, please send your CV and a note of interest to me at [email protected] by March 7th. Voting will take place at our annual conference, but you need not be present to apply for a board seat.Â
I am happy to answer any questions you might have!
Best, Melissa Ziobro
OHMAR President, 2019-2021